Renew Your Membership

Renew Now

Renew Your Membership

Renew Now

You can renew your membership quickly and easily on our website. If you are not a member and would like to become one, please visit our Member Registration page.

If you would like to use pre-authorized debit from your bank account, please email our Administration Manager Laurie Schmuland, who will assist you with that process.

Please note that when you click on the check box for a specific donation type, an amount box will appear so that you can indicate the amount of the donation.

Full-Time Members

Those in full time practice (after their first three years post residency or dental graduation)

Part-Time Members

Those who practice part time or who are semi-retired

Retired Members

Those who have retired and also those in the first three years of practice

Resident Members

Those in residency or doing fellowships

Student & Missionary Members

For medical and dental students and those engaged in long term mission work


Renew Your Membership